The US Patent and Trademark Office Approves UrsaNav’s Private eLoran Patent

March 2021 – The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has approved UrsaNav’s Private eLoran patent (United States Patent Application 20190377055). Private eLoran is a new and innovative breakthrough in terrestrial PNT technology that provides secure, un-spoofable, and virtually un-jammable PNT signals. Private eLoran provides a secure co-primary alternative, or complementary backup, to GPS/GNSS for individual nation-states or collaborative regions. Private eLoran significantly reduces the risk/reward equation for those who wish to jam or spoof PNT signals, especially those that are space-based. With this new capability, service providers can now deliver fully-open or fully closed solutions, or a combination of both. This new patented technology is another leap forward in UrsaNav’s progressively innovative eLoran and LFPhoenix™ products and services.