The Pulse

The latest news about UrsaNav® .

Collaboration With Oscilloquartz and UrsaNv Yields a Robust and Reliable Backup for GPS and Other GNSS

July 2021 – A collaboration of the Oscilloquartz (an ADVA company) grandmaster clock and our own eLoran receiver technologies yields a robust and reliable backup for GPS and other GNSS, and could be used to provide an assured position, navigation, and timing (PNT) service. Harnessing ADVA’s flexible OSA 5420 Series, designed with assured PNT (aPNT) technology, UrsaNav has shown that eLoran can provide a new layer of protection and significantly boost timing resilience and security. See:

UrsaNav CEO, Charles Schue, Cited Several Times in the GPS World

November 2021 – UrsaNav and its CEO, Charles Schue, are cited several times in the GPS World article entitled: “eLoran: Part of the solution to GNSS vulnerability”. UrsaNav has always considered eLoran a key component of a service provider’s “Resilience Triad” that delivers Resilient PNT (RPNT), and also a major component of any PNT System-of-Systems. Another necessary component is GNSS. It is time to consider that a triad might not best represent the RPNT model of the future. Certainly, two very important components are eLoran and GNSS, but other solutions include fiber, a Metro Beacon System (MBS, e.g., Locata), and even 5G or R-Mode (VHF). From a user’s perspective, their PNT “sensor ensemble” should include GNSS and eLoran for wide area coverage, an MBS for local area coverage, and a good on-board clock for timing applications or inertial navigation system for positioning. Fiber is a great option for point-to-point solutions that do not require wireless capabilities. See: