The Pulse
The latest news about UrsaNav® .
Find us at the ION International Technical Meeting (ITM) / Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) Conference in Reston, VA – January 28-31, 2019.
In collaboration with the General Lighthouse Authorities of the UK and Ireland (GLA), UrsaNav provided an article for the Royal Institute of Navigation’s Navigation News Magazine entitled: “The Resilience Series: Ground-Based Navigation Systems”. Please read the excerpted article here and be sure to sign in to read it on the RIN’s website:
Find us at the International Defense Exhibition & Conference (IDEX), Abu Dhabi, UAE – February 17-21, 2019.
In June 2020, UrsaNav completed delivery of an eLoran Transmission system at a temporary location near Incheon, ROK.
For additional information:
March 2021 – UrsaNav comments on the recently released “Complementary PNT and GPS Backup Technologies Demonstration Report – DOT Report Number DOT-VNTSC-20-07 dated January 2021.”
March 2021 – UrsaNav’s CEO, Charles Schue, and Board of Advisors Member, Dr. Wouter Pelgrum, have the pleasure of announcing that the long awaited Two-Volume Set entitled “Position, Navigation, and Timing Technologies in the 21st Century, Volumes 1 and 2: Integrated Satellite Navigation, Sensor Systems, and Civil Applications, Set 1st Edition” is now available. Chapter 41 provides historical and current information on “Navigation with Low-Frequency Radio Systems”, and also provides a peek into what may be coming in the future. Given the authorship of this chapter, it naturally includes a comprehensive study of Loran-C and Enhanced Loran systems. We are extremely honored to have been selected to participate in this incredibly important and comprehensive project that showcases all the various technologies necessary for a resilient PNT ecosystem. The work is available from Wiley ( and other fine outlets.
March 2021 – The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has approved UrsaNav’s Private eLoran patent (United States Patent Application 20190377055). Private eLoran is a new and innovative breakthrough in terrestrial PNT technology that provides secure, un-spoofable, and virtually un-jammable PNT signals. Private eLoran provides a secure co-primary alternative, or complementary backup, to GPS/GNSS for individual nation-states or collaborative regions. Private eLoran significantly reduces the risk/reward equation for those who wish to jam or spoof PNT signals, especially those that are space-based. With this new capability, service providers can now deliver fully-open or fully closed solutions, or a combination of both. This new patented technology is another leap forward in UrsaNav’s progressively innovative eLoran and LFPhoenix™ products and services.
April 2021 – UrsaNav is pleased to announce its continued support of the South Korean Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MOF) in their deployment of a terrestrial eLoran PNT system to complement and back up GPS/GNSS. UrsaNav was the key technology provider to the South Korean Government for their eLoran IOC system, and we look forward to supporting MOF as they expand their eLoran system to cover all of their sovereign territory and maritime exclusive economic zone. South Korea is a first mover in the provision of a comprehensive system-of-systems approach to PNT services that protect their critical national infrastructure and their citizens. Please see Terrestrial navigation system ready for use in S. Korea to cope with jamming and electric warfare ( for additional information.
April 2021 – UrsaNav continues to deliver exceptional products and services, even during the dreadful global Pandemic. As an example of how things can go with a committed customer, we are completing a High-Power RF transmitting station site project that was started the summer before the COVID Pandemic. This high-power radio station is located in difficult terrain and includes very complex construction, technology, and security elements. As the pictures below can attest, our management of the project has kept things moving even in incredibly difficult times. We are working with almost 50 vendors, partners, and government organizations and are close to making the site operational. Our customer has been 100% involved, committed, and supportive from starting the project through helping ensure its success. Together, we have overcome all of the travel and supply chain issues that have plagued projects since COVID impacts began back in November 2019. We have carefully followed all CDC guidelines and successfully balanced the needs of our customers, vendors, and partners, with those of our staff. I am confident that, working with you, we can perform similarly for all of your PNT service delivery or user experience needs.

July 2021 – UrsaNav’s CEO, Charles Schue, was cited in the First Fix segment of the July issue of GPS World where he stated that “the only replacement for a GNSS is another GNSS” and for his definition of alternative PNT: “An alternative PNT solution is one that is readily available; provides an easy and seamless transition to/from the primary or other alternatives; allows continuity of operation at a possibly degraded, yet usable, accuracy, availability, integrity, or continuity; and is dissimilar enough from other alternatives to withstand the effects that might be affecting the primary solution.” He also contributed to the Alternative PNT Q&A article.
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