UrsaNav® is the only commercial entity in the world that has successfully designed, developed, installed, certified, and deployed operational Loran-C and eLoran systems. We have considerable expertise and experience with all facets of Loran and eLoran system design, including developing operational requirements and equipment specifications, estimating (and then guaranteeing) coverage areas and PNT performance, and managing all aspects of the civil, mechanical, and electrical engineering required to implement a successful national or international service.

Our staff has assisted with the design, development, support, operations, maintenance, and/or upgrade of Loran-C systems around the world, including in North America, Europe, Asia, North Africa, and the Middle East. We have directly designed, or assisted with the design of, every eLoran site or system currently operating in the world. We focus on understanding our clients’ coverage area requirements and analyzing the system scale to determine ideal locations for key components.

To maintain its leadership position, UrsaNav™ in recent years has:

  • developed new eLoran transmitter technology,
  • delivered operational eLoran transmitters in the USA, Republic of Korea, and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,
  • updated timing and control technology using next generation signal processing and software defined system technologies,
  • developed and delivered eLoran and multi-mode (i.e., eLoran, GPS, DGPS, R-Mode, IRIG-B) receivers to customers throughout the world,
  • developed and delivered eLoran Differential Loran Reference Station technology to the United Kingdom, Republic of Korea, and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, proving the capability of eLoran to provide better than 10-meter accuracy for maritime applications,
  • patented Private eLoran Service (PeLS) under the patent entitled “SYSTEM AND METHODS FOR A PRIVATE ELORAN SERVICE”, and
  • worked with various partners to integrate our eLoran receiver technology into their products.

United Kingdom (UK)


United States of America (USA)


Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA)


Republic of Korea (ROK)

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